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How to Make Money With a Blog for Beginners ?

Blogging is the new craze of the present era, and many people have opted it as a full-time or part-time career. But those who are still thinking of making it a source of income, this article will help them a lot. I went through many articles on- how to make money blogging. But honestly, I am not satisfied with the views of other people. Let me tell you how I make money through blogging and what important things to be taken into consideration while making blogging your career?

If you go through the life story of famous bloggers, they all have quitted their jobs and made blogging their full-time career option. No doubt they started blogging as a part time job, but making good money through blogging needs your time. If you are ready to devote substantial time to blogging, then blogging is the best career option for you. This profession will convert your regular life to laptop lifestyle. Blogging is the only profession that will not be monotonous at any point in time.

Before going deep into the ways to make money through blogging. Let’s discuss few steps you require to master your blog from the very beginning. Every newbie has to first concentrate on the initial part and then jump to money making process through blogging. First, we will go through the initial stage of blogging. How to earn money from a blog?

Initial steps required to make money through blogging

1. Set-up your blog

The first part is to start a blog with the help of various Webhosting services and get a good domain name for your blog. If you want to gain knowledge first without making any investment, then go for BlogSpot to have practical knowledge about blogging. After that self-hosted WordPress websites are the best blogging platforms for the beginners. WordPress blogs are common amongst many bloggers as they find it an easy and quick way to establish a blog.

2. Your content/Blogging niche

Content is the most influential part of the blog and one must know how to write precisely for their preferred blogging niche. A blog is nothing without a quality content. So your blog’s niche content should be clean, practical, and error-free. Content is something through which readers get attached to the blog. Your content must be created in such a way that the reader should feel that symmetry in it. The compelling content is something which takes most of your time.

3. Finding readers for your blog

As we discussed earlier, blogging is not only about one particular thing but about many related subjects. The expertise of blogging cannot be achieved in few days as following techniques are also essential for making your blog active. You need to find the desired readers for your blog. Finding potential readers for your blog can be done by promoting your blog on various platforms like social media, community forums. You don’t have to gather just the traffic but also genuine readers of your blog.

To find out your blog’s potential users, you need to do a lot of research on various social platforms. The primary motive is not only to earn money but to get value for what you are doing through your blog. You need to build your manifestation and foster healthy relations by avoiding schlocky activities.

4. Developing commitment in every possible way

Your blog’s users are your real wealth, and you have to make sure that they become your loyal readers in no time. This situation can only take place when your blog provides them what they need. Replying to their comments, asking for suggestions, keeping them updated with the latest events, etc. are the ways which will help you in fostering real relationships. Remember friends; your blog cannot survive for long if you do not have ardent followers for it. Having such dedicated readers will only help you to make money later.

Therefore, all the above steps are just the initial phase which you have to cross successfully. Once your blog has gained popularity and you made enough loyal users, it’s time to start making real money by launching your blog to the next level.

Ways to earn money blogging

There are end number of ways to earn money through blogging. Let’s categorize them and then talk about them in details.

So, friends, above-mentioned are the different sources of income which you can earn through blogging. Isn’t it a huge field friends. Perhaps blogging is a ravishing career option for many of us. I have seen young age fellas making handsome money through blogging. Let’s discuss all the above points in little detail.


Ads are the easy way to earn the primary income through blogging. GoogleAdsense helps you in finding correct bidders to run ads on your blog. As and when your blog’s brand image will grow, more publishers will be looking for you so that they can pace different ads on your blog. If someone clicks on that ad or buys a product, you get a precise commission.

Affiliate revenues

Affiliate marketing has grown immensely nowadays, and bloggers are making huge money through it. If your niche allows, you can get hundreds of dollars monthly by just reviewing the products of big shopping websites. Not only shopping site, but also many other services like Webhosting services, pay a huge amount to their affiliates for recommending their services.

Organising events

Not any of us have guts to go and speak to anyone like that. But many pro bloggers do that and earn a good network of people by organizing such events and summits. Many bloggers share their own experiences by public speeches and motivate others to do something extraordinary in their lives.

Launching their own products

Pro bloggers launch their virtual and physical products in the market to create a branding of their blog. Differed types of software, apps, eBooks, teaching material, blog related merchandise, etc., are offered to the potential buyers and loyal readers who follow the blogs regularly.

Services renders

Many blogs earn money through providing different types of services to their readers or clients. Bloggers may offer freelancing services, write-ups, designs, coaching, & training to those who are willing to make their career in the same field. Bloggers charge a particular amount for all these online services provided to their readers.

Offline promotion of blog

Pro bloggers not only promote their brand in a professional environment but also in mutual gatherings. They start building up relations outside their business surrounding and indulge in social interactions with friends, relatives, and participate in get-togethers. In this way, they promote their business in an offline way.

Regular sources of revenue

With experience and gained popularity in their blogging business, many professionals establish institutes and coaching centers to impart knowledge to others. They join hands with private communities to carry on their business in some or the other way.

Other bases of income

The proper branding of you blog is crucial. If your blog favors a social cause or if you are related to some social foundations, then you may have a good source of revenue from donation and syndications. You can write books and sell them in the market. These books usually carry an inspirational story inside it which will tell their life’s journey and how these famous bloggers reached from rags to riches.

Categorisation of income

The above-listed sources of revenue get classified into two conduits. Not everyone can start promoting their blogs in events and conferences in the first instance. Neither all of us can attempt to write a book or climb a stage as a speaker, with just a handful of experience. You first need to depend on straight or direct sources of income and then go for secondary sources. The best way to earn direct income is through ad networks and affiliate marketing.

The secondary income will also be received in time as it is the ultimate goal of every professional blogger. When you are done with enough branding of your blog online, then only you can switch to secondary sources of earning money. The writing of publications, setting up of institutes, speaking at events, product launches, offline activities, and other services will be rendered after a period of time when the blog establishes successfully in the digital world.

Final Roundabout

Therefore, friends, indirect and direct income from blogging is what all the blogger wish for. But to get everything in a short period is also not easy. The blogging filed is fascinating, and far better than monotonous 9 to 5 job. You just need to have patience and work according to your caliber. Initial years might be full of the hassle but the ultimate result is rewarding. Just stick to the guidelines and success will be yours in no time.

Keep blogging and live the life of your dreams. #Blogging #LaptopLifestyle #LiveYourDreams

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